Sunday, February 28, 2010
HATE DEBATE: Worst Bad-Ass

Hatin' on the weekend.

Hating on the weekend is getting easier and easier. Lets just start with the fact that Keenan Thompson is the main star on SNL. Who thinks he's funny? Not me.. For the last 4-5 years, I've said the same thing... "He definately won't be back next season".. Guess what.. he's back every season and the show is getting worse and worse... He's got like 6 recurring characters. He sucks. He does the same funky black guy voice for every character he does.. You can't hear me, but Im doing it right now. His lips move when other people are talking.. Seriously.. Check it out next time.
There was a Law & Order: SVU marathon on USA last night. I figured out why this show is so retarded.. The detectives are not good detectives.. They always just happen to get really good witnesses. Waitresses who remember people's entire conversations, and truck drivers who remember exact addresses of where they spotted a suspicious character. And then every clue leads them directly to the bad guy. Oh, and I have a question for any real cops or detectives who read this.. Does a suspect ever really break down in the interrogation room, or the courtroom like they do on this show?? Like they can't take it anymore and bust out into, "THAT'S RIGHT!! I DID IT!!! AND I'LL DO IT AGAIN!!!" I bet that never happens.. But for Stabler and Benson, it happens every episode.
Wanna get goosebumps all over your body and feel so wierd at how untalented someone is?? Watch J-Lo sing on SNL this week.
Im gonna keep this Sunday edition short..
Friday, February 26, 2010

Andrew Koenig, who played Richard Stabbone, son of Sylvester Stabbone.. Known to us all as Boner has died.. It's sad.. He was depressed.. Im sure it was one of those situations where he wanted to be taken seriously and everywhere he went people just called him Boner and it probably drove him bananas.. So he goes missing, probably because he's had enough of the whole "Boner" thing, and guess what happens.. His old buddy, Kirk "Mike Seaver" Cameron releases a statement in the papers. Here it is.. "Andrew, if you're reading this please call me. Mike and BONER could always work things out when they put their minds to it.." Way to go Kirk.. Way to go..Im not saying thats what killed him, but I doubt it helped.
Andrew Koenig,
Boner Stabbone,
kirk cameron,
Mike Seaver
Is it snowing??

Yo I gotta know? When was the last time in NY that someone got so snowed in by a blizzard that they needed to bust into thier emergency water bottles and canned goods that they ransacked Waldbaums for the night before??? Watching these people wrestle for the last jar of Skippy, you would think we were headed for a nuclear holocaust. Guess what.. Its gonna snow, they're gonna plow, and you'll be out and about by 3pm the latest. No need to load your basement with non-perishables.
Speaking of the snow, Is the news serious with the amount of snow coverage there is??? Well I guess there's no other way to know its snowing if they don't report it on the news..Oh yeah.. we can look out the window.. Oh but I really need to know that Great Neck had 4 inches and Port Washington had 4.5 inches... Because when Im stuck inside, because of the snow, what I really want is news about the snow on every channel. They really had an interview with a guy who was on his way to buy boots. I guess somewhere along the line, some marketing genius figured out that people like snow coverage. So why not give the people what they want... 17 hours of uninterrupted snow coverage. Hey, I like meatballs, but if someone gave me 17 hours of uninterrupted meatballs, I think I'd be sick.
OK enough about the snow. They're making pole dancing an olympic sport. Yeah.. they're making pole dancing an OLYMPIC SPORT! I have nothing to say about this...Except it will probably be better than Ice Dancing.
Do you guys know David Caruso? I'd really love to know who told this guy he's tough. I've seen a couple of movies with him, and I've seen a couple of his shows. I don't get it. He's always cast as a tough cop, or a tough career criminal type of guy. Whats up with that? Does anyone else realize that A. He has red hair. B. He's about 125 pounds. and C. He looks he seriously needs a nap... Add those 3 things together, and it does not equal tough... Unbelieveable..
So who's gonna win American Idol.. I don't know, but I know who's gonna lose... Anyone who watches the rest of this season.. It's official.. American Idol has jumped the shark.. But you know what sucks?? I'm probably gonna watch the whole season.. I'll hate it, but I'll watch it. Unless it's snowing, then I'll be watching the news.
Yo man, I gotta go.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Oh No.. Its Ohno.
I've been holding this on
e in for a while.. Remember when Pink performed at the Grammys and everyone went bananas for her?? Well, guess who hated it.. Me. First of all, she already did that once at the MTV awards.. Strike one. Second, she has the same bod as her "husband",and I don't need to see it in a pantyhose-like bodysuit..Strike two. Third of all, I think it's a little inconsiderate that she would think that everyone underneath her would want to get wet from the water that dripped off her greasy head and feet..Im sure when Katy Perry and Rihanna were getting their hair and makeup done that day, they were so excited for Pink's ass water to drip all over them.. Strike three.. Pink you're out.

OK here's my problem with Apolo Anton Ohno... I know he dropped the Anton, but Im keeping it in there. He's being called the Michael Phelps of the Winter Olympics, with 7 medals.. But only 2 are gold!!! Basically that means he lost the other 5 times.. Last time I checked, you don't get the right to skate a victory lap if YOU DON'T WIN! Phelps was in 8 events, and guess what... 8 GOLD MEDALS! Hey Apolo.. take your bandana and your low spot on the bronze medal podium and take a hike. If you're an Olympic speed skater, and your best win is on Dancing with the Stars, you have a problem.

American Idol.. I have news for you.. "Big Mike", the "personal trainer" from Queens, is lying. There's no way anyone is paying that fat slob to teach them how to work out.. Ok good for him, he had a baby. But is he breast feeding? Because that guy is definately lactating. They should change his name from Big Mike to Fat Mike. Seriously.
Oh and another thing.. TMZ is really reaching these days... Why is Misch
a Barton famous? Why should I still care when she walks her dog in Soho?? Why should I care when anyone walks their dog in Soho?

Thats it for now.. I gotta go.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
OK so a friend and I have decided that people might care what we have to say. Its just amazing how entertaining the horrible crap on TV is, how stupid the stuff in the news is, and just how ridiculous the guy next to you on the subway is. And Im here to comment on it for all of your amusement.
This being the first installment, I'll keep it short. How do they still make movies like that one coming out with Bruce Willis and Tracy Morgan? A buddy cop movie???? Are you serious??? Is Bruce Willis still believeable as the "tough cop"? If he was a real tough cop in Die Hard, he'd be retired by now anyway. Is there someone out there who is excited for the shenanigans and sizzling on screen chemistry thats about to take place between Morgan and Willis? it better when it had a Japanese guy in it and they called it Rush hour. Save your money. How do I know this movie is going to bomb, and the Hollywood geniuses who made it don't??
This is a little late, but -- the Pants on the Ground guy was not funny... Come on man.. A grown homeless man rapping like a fool on national TV and the next thing you know everyone is hysterical laughing about it.. Bret Favre is singing it, they even had this guy at the Grammys carrying around a bunch of belts. I feel like Im taking crazy pills.
By the way, Im still waiting for someone who watches Lost to tell me what's actually going on, because no one can seem to. Maybe its because no one who watches really knows, or maybe its because none of the writers of the show really know... I have a feeling you're all going to look back at the last 5 seasons as just a huge waste of time. Good luck with that.
Let me know how you all feel about this blog.. If you have something you hate, I'd love to know about it.
This being the first installment, I'll keep it short. How do they still make movies like that one coming out with Bruce Willis and Tracy Morgan? A buddy cop movie???? Are you serious??? Is Bruce Willis still believeable as the "tough cop"? If he was a real tough cop in Die Hard, he'd be retired by now anyway. Is there someone out there who is excited for the shenanigans and sizzling on screen chemistry thats about to take place between Morgan and Willis? it better when it had a Japanese guy in it and they called it Rush hour. Save your money. How do I know this movie is going to bomb, and the Hollywood geniuses who made it don't??
This is a little late, but -- the Pants on the Ground guy was not funny... Come on man.. A grown homeless man rapping like a fool on national TV and the next thing you know everyone is hysterical laughing about it.. Bret Favre is singing it, they even had this guy at the Grammys carrying around a bunch of belts. I feel like Im taking crazy pills.
By the way, Im still waiting for someone who watches Lost to tell me what's actually going on, because no one can seem to. Maybe its because no one who watches really knows, or maybe its because none of the writers of the show really know... I have a feeling you're all going to look back at the last 5 seasons as just a huge waste of time. Good luck with that.
Let me know how you all feel about this blog.. If you have something you hate, I'd love to know about it.
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