Yo I gotta know? When was the last time in NY that someone got so snowed in by a blizzard that they needed to bust into thier emergency water bottles and canned goods that they ransacked Waldbaums for the night before??? Watching these people wrestle for the last jar of Skippy, you would think we were headed for a nuclear holocaust. Guess what.. Its gonna snow, they're gonna plow, and you'll be out and about by 3pm the latest. No need to load your basement with non-perishables.
Speaking of the snow, Is the news serious with the amount of snow coverage there is??? Well I guess there's no other way to know its snowing if they don't report it on the news..Oh yeah.. we can look out the window.. Oh but I really need to know that Great Neck had 4 inches and Port Washington had 4.5 inches... Because when Im stuck inside, because of the snow, what I really want is news about the snow on every channel. They really had an interview with a guy who was on his way to buy boots. I guess somewhere along the line, some marketing genius figured out that people like snow coverage. So why not give the people what they want... 17 hours of uninterrupted snow coverage. Hey, I like meatballs, but if someone gave me 17 hours of uninterrupted meatballs, I think I'd be sick.
OK enough about the snow. They're making pole dancing an olympic sport. Yeah.. they're making pole dancing an OLYMPIC SPORT! I have nothing to say about this...Except it will probably be better than Ice Dancing.
Do you guys know David Caruso? I'd really love to know who told this guy he's tough. I've seen a couple of movies with him, and I've seen a couple of his shows. I don't get it. He's always cast as a tough cop, or a tough career criminal type of guy. Whats up with that? Does anyone else realize that A. He has red hair. B. He's about 125 pounds. and C. He looks he seriously needs a nap... Add those 3 things together, and it does not equal tough... Unbelieveable..
So who's gonna win American Idol.. I don't know, but I know who's gonna lose... Anyone who watches the rest of this season.. It's official.. American Idol has jumped the shark.. But you know what sucks?? I'm probably gonna watch the whole season.. I'll hate it, but I'll watch it. Unless it's snowing, then I'll be watching the news.
Yo man, I gotta go.
I love it!! You know as I watching the snow coverage "winter storm 2010" I couldn't help but think " wow I need bottled water and I forgot to buy it" I was feeling a little thirsty and began to panic that I may dehydrate myself to death, you know, being snowed in and all in NYC. I mean I could have walked the two blocks to the store, but all the snow coverage got me scared and nervous. Damn, I should have went out the night before and wrestled someone for that case of water. Oh wait, we do have tap water here too.
ReplyDeleteSeriously, I never understood why people go nuts and buy everything humanely possible before a snow storm.