Wednesday, February 24, 2010


OK so a friend and I have decided that people might care what we have to say. Its just amazing how entertaining the horrible crap on TV is, how stupid the stuff in the news is, and just how ridiculous the guy next to you on the subway is. And Im here to comment on it for all of your amusement.

This being the first installment, I'll keep it short. How do they still make movies like that one coming out with Bruce Willis and Tracy Morgan? A buddy cop movie???? Are you serious??? Is Bruce Willis still believeable as the "tough cop"? If he was a real tough cop in Die Hard, he'd be retired by now anyway. Is there someone out there who is excited for the shenanigans and sizzling on screen chemistry thats about to take place between Morgan and Willis? it better when it had a Japanese guy in it and they called it Rush hour. Save your money. How do I know this movie is going to bomb, and the Hollywood geniuses who made it don't??

This is a little late, but -- the Pants on the Ground guy was not funny... Come on man.. A grown homeless man rapping like a fool on national TV and the next thing you know everyone is hysterical laughing about it.. Bret Favre is singing it, they even had this guy at the Grammys carrying around a bunch of belts. I feel like Im taking crazy pills.

By the way, Im still waiting for someone who watches Lost to tell me what's actually going on, because no one can seem to. Maybe its because no one who watches really knows, or maybe its because none of the writers of the show really know... I have a feeling you're all going to look back at the last 5 seasons as just a huge waste of time. Good luck with that.

Let me know how you all feel about this blog.. If you have something you hate, I'd love to know about it.

1 comment:

  1. I hate people on the express line at the supermarket who have over ten items.

