I'm going to try something different today..
Here's a list of people in no particular order who I consider douche bags. I'd love for you guys to add to it..
1. People who whistle in a confined area with other people around (ex. an elevator, or a public bathroom)
2. People who use words like Uber, Quasi, or Whom.
3. The guy at work who, even though he's not hungry, stockpiles the free bagels and stuff like we're going to war.
4. Anyone who talks in a movie theater.
5. Salesmen at Men's Wearhouse
6. Guys that wear jeans and sandals.
7. People who stand right behind you on line as if someone is going to slip in to the inch of space between you.
8. Guys who talk to you while you are both standing at urinals.
9. People who get offended by things like The Jersey Shore, or other forms of entertainment.
10. People who walk into the middle of a private conversation and say, "what are we talking about??"
11. People who say "bye" in a different language. (ex. ciao, hasta la vista)
12. People who don't say thanks when you:
- hold the door for them.
- let their car in front of you
- say "god bless you"
13. Guys in shoes with no socks.
14. People who start a conversation just because they have something they wanna brag about.. (ex. hey do you go to the gym?? Oh how much do you bench? I bench 350)
15. Guys who are so cool, nothing is funny to them.
16. Girls that are so cool, nothing is funny to them.
I could go on for hours, but I wanna hear about douche bags you encounter. Please comment.
girls that cannot say "ask" - instead they say "aks." its not cute
ReplyDelete#7...biggest douche. also, slow walkers. and people who honk a millisecond after the light turns green. and people who wear sandals with socks. and people who bring more than ten items onto the ten items or less lane.
ReplyDeletePeople who name their kids douchey names because they wanna be "different"
ReplyDeletePeople who have cell phone conversations on public transportation so that you have to hear every word they say. SHUT THE F##K UP!!!
ReplyDeletethe person who microwaves smelly food in the office
ReplyDeletethe ask/aks thing, its called an accent, get over it
ReplyDeletePeople who sit right next to you on the bus or train even though there are plenty of empty seats for them to choose from.
ReplyDeletePeople who voted for Obama.. Thanks aHoles....
ReplyDeleteGood one... What a mess, at least Bush had a major set of balls
ReplyDeletePeople who cant drive uh-hem(women). Im not pointing fingers but you know who you are. STAY HOME!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeletePeople who give you their opinion when no one asked for it!!!
ReplyDeletePeople who brag so much that you can't get a word in edgewise!!!!!
ReplyDeleteJust to touch on the above comment:
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...
People who cant drive uh-hem(women). Im not pointing fingers but you know who you are. STAY HOME!!!!!!!!!!!
You're not pointing fingers? Actually you just did with your lame ass comment, which in turn really makes you the douche bag, so my list would contain "people who make ignorant comments and expect people to laugh"
oh there are so many lol
ReplyDeletePeople who don't pick up after their dog... people who stand in front of the subway doors and won't move into the middle of the car.. people who lean on the pole in the middle of the subway car... people who blast their ipods or car stereo so that everyone else can hear it...people who litter.. people who don't say hi when you say hi to them.... people that are rude to restaurant help or people that they feel are below them... people that can't agree to disagree... people that are ignorant...people that think their way is the only way
This random list is ok but I like it when you actually call someone out and hate on them. Keep it real
ReplyDeleteSan Demas High School Football Rules!!!!!!!!!!
People who play the imaginary drums on the steering wheel.
ReplyDeleteu forgot the worst of all...grown-ups to baby talk!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeletethe ask/aks thing, its called an accent, get over it- WHAT???? Please explain this!!
ReplyDeletePeople who post responses to blogs.
ReplyDeletepeople (men) who blame all bad drivers to be women, guess what men there are sucky men drivers out there, open your eyes....