You get VALENTINE'S DAY!!!! Wow.. Never in my life have I seen anything even remotely close to being this bad. That's what happens when you get a star studded cast full of people who are famous, not for their talent, but for hype and physical appearance..
OK I know I shouldn't take a romantic "comedy" too seriously to begin with, but come on... The problem with this movie is that when each character is on the screen, they act like they're doing you a favor..
Someone needs to tell Ashton Kutcher that he's not still 20 years old, and that goofy idiot thing doesn't work anymore..

From here on out I'm going to live by a new policy...

Here's a bonus trivia question.. What is Topher short for?? Prepare to cringe as you find out the answer..
Speaking of stupid names.. This is something I've always hated.. The "singer" Willa Ford.. Her real name is Amanda Willaford. So basically she got her stage name by splitting her last name in two. Oye.
The legacy of "The Karate Kid" has been put in a body bag. One of the true great movies of the 80's is being remade and due out sometime this summer. Well, there goes that memory. With Jackie Chan as Mr. Myagi, and Will Smith's prematurely douchey son as the main character, this movie sucks before it's even been released.

What's this new piece of crap gonna be without William Zabka, ELizabeth Shue and Chad McQueen, known better as Johnny, Alli, and Dutch?????
I leave you with a few memorable Quotes..
Fear does not exist in this dojo does it?? --NO SENSEI!!
Pain does not exist in this dojo does it?? --NO SENSEI!!
Defeat does not exist in this dojo does it?? --NO SENSEI!!
I gotta go.. Sweep the leg.

when you can choose between chris and Topher, and you pick topher, you're a douche.