The paunchy pitchman for AT&T is like a Hannah Montana concert.. SOLD OUT.. Girls used to think he was cute.. Guys thought he was funny. Now he's just a notch below the "can you hear me now??" guy.

Here's the problem with these commercials.. Not only are they making Luke Wilson look like an actor so desperate for money that he resorts to these ads, but up until yesterday, I didn't know they were for AT&T. I just know them as those fat Luke Wilson commercials. So the question is, What has Luke been doing with his cash? Drugs? Alcohol? Double Bacon Cheeseburgers?? My guess is all of the above.
So throughout the commercials, he says the name of U.S. cities and says things like, "dated a girl there..." Actually Luke, I don't care.. Why is watching a bloated washed up sell out actor telling me about all the girls he banged gonna make me buy a cell phone plan?
Who at AT&T took a look at Luke Wilson's swollen, pasty face and decided, "THIS GUY CAN SELL PHONES!!!"???
I'd like to know.
Oh and here's a question.. Am I the only person who: A. Hated "The Blindside"?
B. Can't believe "The Blindside" is nominated for Best Picture?? and C.Thought "The Blindside" sucked???..
Whats up with that?? Everyone is saying Sandra Bullock is going to win best actress!! Really?? Best Actress?? Maybe they made a mistake and they meant best wig award, because the only difference between this character and every other character she ever played was blond hair... Am I missing something?
I have so much to hate on about this movie, that I kind of hope it wins the Oscar this weekend.
I gotta go.

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